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Runts Rope – Cannabis Infused Rope Candy (600mg THC)


  • Cannabis infused Runts rope candy
  • Soft and chewy rope candy covered in hard, fruit shaped, fruit flavoured Runts candy
  • Great for recreational or medicinal use
  • 600mg total THC
SKU: 487 Categories: ,


Cannabis Infused Runts Rope Candy

Experience the world of Cannabis Infused Runts Rope Candy, a delightful blend of fruity flavors and the magic of cannabinoids. This comprehensive guide takes you on a journey through the origins, flavors, dosing, and the sweet adventure that Cannabis Infused Runts Rope Candy offers. Immerse yourself in a mouthwatering exploration of these unique and exciting cannabis-infused confections.

Product Description:

Cannabis Infused Runts Rope Candy is a delectable revelation in the realm of cannabis-infused edibles, offering a delightful fusion of fruity flavors and the enchantment of cannabinoids. This extensive exploration invites you to embark on a mouthwatering journey through the world of Cannabis Infused Runts Rope Candy, uncovering their origins, the delightful symphony of flavors they deliver, dosing intricacies, and the sweet adventure they bring to cannabis enthusiasts.

Origins Rooted in Culinary Craftsmanship:

The origins of Cannabis Infused Runts Rope Candy are a testament to the artistry of culinary craftsmanship. Melding the world of confectionery with the magic of cannabinoids, these candies are a testament to the boundless possibilities of edibles. The exact recipes may vary, but the end result is a mouthwatering marvel that transforms your candy experience into an extraordinary adventure.

A Symphony of Fruity Delights:

One of the defining characteristics of Cannabis Infused Runts Rope Candy is their symphony of fruity flavors. As you savor each bite, you’re greeted by a delightful blend of taste that ranges from zesty and citrusy to sweet and tropical. It’s an ensemble of flavors that takes your taste buds on a journey of culinary delight.
The initial burst of citrusy zest is beautifully complemented by tropical fruit sweetness. It’s a sensory experience that elevates your candy indulgence to a whole new level.

A Sweet Adventure in Every Bite:

Cannabis Infused Runts Rope Candy isn’t just about flavors; it’s about embarking on a sweet adventure that combines the pleasure of candy with the magic of cannabinoids. These candies have been carefully dosed to provide a delightful, gentle high that elevates your candy experience.
As the cannabinoids take effect, you’ll find yourself experiencing a sense of relaxation and euphoria. It’s the perfect way to enjoy your candy with a sense of calm and an extra touch of creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis enthusiast or a newcomer, these candies offer a candy adventure like no other.

Dosing Precision for a Tailored High:

Dosing precision is a key factor when it comes to cannabis-infused edibles, and Cannabis Infused Runts Rope Candy are no exception. Each piece is crafted to contain a specific amount of cannabinoids, ensuring that you have complete control over your cannabis experience.
These candies come in a variety of dosages, allowing you to choose the level of intensity that suits your preferences. Whether you’re seeking a mild buzz or a more elevated experience, these candies make it easy to tailor your high with accuracy.

A Safe and Delicious Treat:

Safety is of paramount importance in the creation of Cannabis Infused Runts Rope Candy. Rigorous testing, quality control, and safety measures are in place to guarantee the purity and reliability of these delightful confections.
With these candies, you can trust that each piece has undergone extensive testing to ensure its safety and effectiveness. The commitment to your well-being is evident in the quality and reliability of these sweet treats.

Shared Moments and Candy Bliss:

Cannabis Infused Runts Rope Candy offer more than just candy; they create moments of shared bliss. Whether you’re enjoying them with friends or savoring a solitary candy adventure, these candies have a way of enhancing your experience and creating memorable moments.
The flavors and effects of Cannabis Infused Runts Rope Candy set the stage for delightful conversations, creative inspirations, and shared laughter. It’s a reminder that candy can be more than just a treat; it can be a moment of shared joy.


In conclusion, Cannabis Infused Runts Rope Candy are a testament to the art of culinary craftsmanship infused with the magic of cannabinoids. With their origins rooted in innovation, a symphony of fruity flavors, and precise dosing, these candies offer a candy adventure like no other. Safety is a top priority in their creation, ensuring that you can enjoy them with peace of mind. As you savor these delightful confections, you’ll discover that they are more than just candy; they are moments of shared bliss and candy adventures that elevate your indulgence to a new level of delight.

Brand Medicated Runts
Ingredients Organic Cane Sugar, Corn Syrup, Gelatin, Citric Acid, Cannabis Extract Full Strength, Colour, Red40, Yellow5, Yellow6, White Beeswax, Vegetable Oil
Total THC 600mg THC
Dimensions 23.5cm x 4cm x 3cm


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