Golden Member Mushroom

Gold Member


White Burma Mushrooms

White Burma Mushrooms Burma Cubensis



  • Native to Mexico and often used in indigenous spiritual practices
  • Easily distinguishable by its golden to dark brown cap, and thin stem
  • Known for its high potency and trippy effects
SKU: 752 Categories: ,



Mexicana is a psilocybin mushroom strain that is thought to have come from Mexico. It has a long history of conventional use in indigenous cultures and is one of the most popular and extensively utilized strains of magic mushrooms. For those seeking a potent psychedelic experience, this strain is well-known for its tremendous strength and profound effects.

Physical Properties

Mexicana magic mushrooms stand out thanks to their dark, chestnut brown cap that frequently has white or yellow streaks. The gills are normally dark purple-brown, while the stem is typically slender and white. These mushrooms often grow in clusters and range in size from tiny to medium. They frequently grow in the wild, but with the correct conditions, they may also be grown indoors.


Mexicana mushrooms are known to deliver a potent psychedelic high when ingested. Users claim to experience exhilaration and an increased level of awareness. They might also have visual hallucinations and a sense of being one with nature. Usually, the effects last for 4-5 hours. One of the strongest strains of magic mushrooms is known as Mexicana mushrooms.

Potency Moderate
Size Small to medium
Cap Golden to dark brown colour
Stem Thin to medium thickness and medium length
Origin Mexico

Additional information


3.5 g, 7 g, 14 g, 28 g (1 oz), 56 g (2 oz)


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